isNRM is an innovative Australian Company aiming to provide high quality, integrated solutions for a wide range of natural resource management problems. Services that can be provided by isNRM include:
- Model development from spreadsheet to code based models. This includes a comprehensive model development process including scoping model requirements, conceptualisation, coding and implementation, calibration and model testing.
- Simulation and analysis using existing models. For example to develop policy or operational recommendations.
- Decision support systems development including scoping requirements, developing interfacing and technological solutions and delivery to client groups through workshop or other means. Decision support systems can vary from simple paper-based solutions to more complex software-based options incorporating integrated modelling systems.
- Data analysis including regression analysis and other data mining techniques.
- Design and implementation of community participation strategies utilising techniques such as surveys, focus groups, face-to-face interviews, community meetings and workshops.
- Workshop and meeting facilitation including training and delivery workshops as well as workshop and group-based negotiation sessions.
- Design and implementation of training packages for example, for software or modelling systems, participation or other assessment processes, or monitoring systems.
- Research and report writing including the development of natural resource management plans.