Increment – Australian Bush Heritage

Increment is an approach to biodiversity conservation investment prioritisation and evaluation. This system has been developed by a team including researchers from ANU (including Dr Kelly) Clear Horizons and Australian Bush Heritage. This system has been developed and tested using ABH as a case study but was developed to be flexible enough to be used by other organisations and agencies. The system consists of a ‘paper-based’ process defined using a workbook approach for pre- and post-investment analysis. Future versions are expected to be ‘software-based’. Dr Kelly has been involved in the development of the Increment concept and has been responsible for constructing various parts of the workbook.

The basic components of the pre-investment phase are:

  • Construction of key evaluation questions for the investment (project or program) by the donor organisation;
  • Construction of a logical framework linking inputs, actions, outputs, intermediate outcomes and outcomes in an acyclic graph;
  • Elicitation of set of beliefs associated with project or program implementation based on a likelihood method and construction of an evidence base for these beliefs;
  • Scoring and ranking of various ‘project proposals’ constructed using this information.

The post-investment phase uses the same logical framework as the pre-investment phase but elicits a new set of beliefs on projects impacts. A post-investment evidence base is also constructed to allow evaluation and auditing of project claims.
